7 Key Elements of Building Software Development Teams

With the right project manager in place, you’ll have a reliable point of contact for your entire software project and a professional to oversee your entire development team. In some project management methodologies, this evaluation process is facilitated through meetings called retrospectives. It is true that the remote software development model brings many advantages, from cost-effectiveness to a performance boost. However, remote engineers call for a slightly different approach, tools, and management than in-house teams to succeed. As a business manager, it’s essential that you actively listen to your software development team to understand the ongoing status of the project. It’s easy to place too much focus on technical output at the cost of team-building and communication when managing a software development team.

how to manage a software development team

Rapid technological advancements, the push toward digitalization, and the need to keep up with ever-changing software solutions have fueled the demand for remote developers. Fortunately, in a world without borders, these valuable technical talents are readily available for several reasons. Business analysts work as liaisons between the technical and business side of development.

Hybrid: Blend of Waterfall and Agile (Flexible Development and Thorough Project Planning)

Managers can use this metric to help estimate costs, schedule projects appropriately and create an accurate software delivery strategy. If velocity seems low or unstable, it may indicate that there are problems lurking below the surface, such as an unexpected process change or poor communication of user requirements. Poorly understood or frequently changing priorities can lead to poor scheduling decisions, dissatisfied stakeholders and frustrated customers. The manager must have a clear picture of priorities and establish priorities early on with business leaders, stakeholders and development team members. Every project will require a determined duration and completion timeframe, but it needs to be mapped out intelligently. Make sure steps are scheduled in a way that allows for unexpected delays or changes in plans, rather than setting ambitious dates that are hard to meet.

Sometimes this means your team disagrees with your initial ideas. But saying ‘no’ can be more powerful than agreeing to everything. It demonstrates a readiness to find the best possible solution rather than blindly follow the instructions.

Distribute and share files in one place

On the other hand, by embedding Agile practices into a traditional Waterfall work process, companies can increase chances of realizing successful projects. For example, project planning can be done in sprints, testing can be incorporated in development, and feedback can be gathered regularly. Other ways of modifying the Waterfall model include using Kanban boards and organizing retrospectives. Things get even easier if you outsource building a software engineering team to a third-party provider like Binariks. We can do recruitment and onboarding for you to assemble a dedicated team fully focused on your project.

The combination of the traditional Waterfall project management approach and Agile is called Hybrid. However, when applied to the actual software engineering process, the Waterfall method tends to be slow, costly, and inflexible due to numerous restrictions. In many cases, its inability to adjust the product to the evolving market requirements often results in a huge waste of resources and the eventual project failure. The method works well for clearly defined projects with a single deliverable and fixed deadline.

Hand-selected developers to fit your needs at scale

How to build a remote software dedicated team and onboard everyone successfully? Once you contract a person, discuss what you want from them and ask about their expectations (tasks, deadlines, salary, etc.). This information will become the roadmap for future cooperation. Managers can use project management software analytics for various purposes, including monitoring project progress and generating quotes for future projects. Analytics can be used to incentivize employees to meet their goals.

how to manage a software development team

Perhaps someone wrote an excellent note to accompany a pull request, share it with the team and publicly thank the person for going above and beyond. Some stages of team development teams will write down their working practices into what is known as a playbook. The dxw Playbook is an excellent example of a team writing things down.

Encourage open communication

This information will help you create projects and pair tasks with the appropriate skills and personal interests. They are designed to measure engineering team performance accurately and determine whether certain areas need improvement. The to-do lists of the engineers from your team can be very long. Especially in the development world, where issues appear overnight and need to be fixed immediately, it can become challenging to know how to prioritize their tasks. You can unlock your team’s full potential only if they know exactly what objectives they need to meet. Communicate these goals clearly and provide a list of straightforward tasks with meaningful priorities.

  • They show the entire software team the direction it must follow to create a great product.
  • As such, save your team’s time by handling all non-technical work yourself whenever possible.
  • You look at each step you’ve taken to date and how the team’s actions have influenced the project’s current state.
  • It allows for attaching files, integrating Google Suite, Jira, and other tools as well, creating private rooms, etc.
  • Matrix teams are ideal for ensuring a good share of talent and knowledge across the departments in your organization.
  • Hybrid is an effective solution when product delivery relies on both hardware and software operations.

As a manager, you may notice that you are sometimes surrounded by yes-men. This not only stifles healthy debate and constructive criticism but also closes the communication channel between you and your developers. A bug rate calculates the number of software defects that sprout from new implementations of features or functions. Software managers can use this metric to determine whether the team is producing quality code, or whether their work is producing a harmful number of errors.

Select non-negotiable key performance indicators for devops

Moreover, cloud-based development environments and platforms have empowered developers to access resources and tools from any corner of the globe at any given time. As an engineering manager, you also need a project management system. Besides solving practical collaboration tasks, such software optimizes business processes. It’s also a way to outperform companies that don’t have as efficient remote development management tools as you. Hence, if you don’t implement digital workplace technology, your performance will suffer in many aspects. The remote software development model has numerous benefits, from cost-efficiency to performance boost, but you must set it up correctly.

No matter the size of your software development team, there are bound to be many moving parts with any new software project. The margin for error with a software development project is minuscule — even the smallest mistakes can cost your business a lot of money. More than ever, implementing project management into your software development process is key to getting everybody on the same page while minimizing errors and keeping projects on schedule.

Start early to save time

This is because if you can learn how to manage such employees effectively, you will obtain significant advantages, such as cost reduction and scalability. Since teams of skilled and reliable software engineers are dispersed worldwide, a separate geographical location will not be a factor that would compromise your product’s quality. If your organization has a complex project or your remote software development team is large, managing its productivity and keeping track of numerous individual tasks may become difficult.

How to manage a software development team?

It’s also important to set deadlines after discussing them with the related individuals. Then, everyone will know what they are responsible for and will concentrate on their piece of work. Such clarity makes the software development process smoother and minimizes conflicts between workers. Most modern teams establish processes based on one of the Agile methodologies – in 70% of cases preferring Scrum . Yet you can also consider Extreme Programming, Dynamic Systems Development Method, Kanban Board, and Rapid Application Development as alternatives for managing software teams. Within the software development process, we can also count on a team that is one hundred percent dedicated to the company’s project, this practice is known as Dedicated Software Development.

Steps for Building and Managing a Successful Software Development Team

Say, members of smaller teams are more likely to be in sync with one another, so they can do without constant reporting and much documentation. On the other hand, larger teams require a more structured communication approach to be on the same page. To verify the quality of the software — through testing — and automate its deployment, teams usually use Tools like CruiseControl, Atlassian Bamboo, TeamCity, or Jenkins.

We can help you to build high-quality software solutions and products as well as deliver a wide range of related professional services. Don’t point the finger at people – and encourage everyone else in the company to do the same. Aim to turn every mistake or perceived failure into a learning opportunity and an opportunity to gain a new perspective. Organize training on how to troubleshoot common problems, and encourage your engineers and other team members to share information on mistakes they made and how they fixed them. Teams can adopt Python for unit testing to optimize Python’s advantages…

So, if your team includes less experienced engineers, allocate enough resources to ensure a thorough onboarding process and ongoing follow-up training. Bringing certain specialists to a team is helpful when a project demands niche and complex capabilities. However, while they may not realize it, too many managers maintain an unhealthy reliance on these specialists and their expertise. It’s difficult for team leads to accurately assess the progress of a project if they are not in tune with the work being done.

Furthermore, it allows you to assign specific roles to branches of your team’s repositories while defining how and when the branches should interact. That makes it possible for different developers to work at a time while they merge their codes later. Software developers who are eager to work outside of their comfort zone have the ability and drive to learn new things on their own. They are self-starters and are always ready to pick up new skills.


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